Unlock the Benefits of Carbs: Expert Tips from Dr. Grant

Ask the Science Team: All About Carbohydrates with Dr. Lucas Grant

This month, for our Ask the Science Team post, we had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Lucas Grant, Principal Scientist at Unicity, in Clitheroe. We talked in-depth about carbohydrates—their benefits and downsides, why complex carbs should be prioritized over simple ones, and much more. Take a look at the Q&A below to deepen your understanding of how carbohydrates work and their impact on overall health and wellness.

What is a carbohydrate?

A carbohydrate is a molecule composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. These molecules are broken down in the body and undergo cellular processes to generate energy. They are a crucial part of our diet because they provide the energy needed for daily activities. Interestingly, our brains also rely heavily on carbs to function optimally.

In today’s world filled with processed foods, many of us consume too many processed carbs, which aren’t the best for our health. Broadly speaking, there are two main types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. We should be focusing more on complex carbohydrates for better health outcomes.

What is the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates?

Simple Carbohydrates: These consist of monosaccharides (single sugars) and disaccharides (double sugars). Examples of monosaccharides include glucose, fructose, and galactose. Examples of disaccharides include sucrose (table sugar), lactose (milk sugar), and maltose. Simple carbs are easily digested and absorbed by the body, often leading to rapid spikes in blood glucose and potential weight gain if not balanced with enough physical activity.

Complex Carbohydrates: These are made up of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides—longer chains of sugar molecules. Examples include fiber and starch. Complex carbs generally cause a slower rise in blood glucose than simple carbohydrates, as the bonds between sugar molecules need to be broken down before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Some types of fiber swell and form a gel-like structure in the gut, promoting feelings of fullness and helping with weight management.

Why are complex carbs better for us?

Simple carbs break down faster and can leave you feeling hungry sooner than complex carbs. This can lead to more frequent consumption of simple carbs, which can be stored as fat if not used as energy. Simple carbs can also cause spikes in blood sugar, followed by increases in insulin levels—something we’d prefer to avoid due to its long-term impact on the body’s tissues.

Complex carbs digest more slowly, keeping you full for longer periods. They also provide a steadier release of glucose into the bloodstream, causing a slower rise in blood sugar and a moderated insulin response.

What is the glycemic index?

It’s easy to think all simple carbs are bad and all complex carbs are good, but that’s not always the case. Simple carbs found in whole fruits, milk, and other healthy foods come with essential vitamins and nutrients. The real concern is processed foods, like sugary drinks and candy.

The glycemic index helps determine how “healthy” a carb is by rating foods based on their effect on blood glucose levels. Higher numbers indicate a larger spike in blood glucose, while lower numbers indicate a more stable and slower effect.

Here are some easy swaps for a more controlled blood glucose response:

  • Instead of white rice, eat brown rice
  • Choose multigrain bread instead of white bread
  • Opt for broccoli or leafy greens over corn

How do I get more of the right carbs in my diet?

To maximize your carbohydrate intake, start your day with whole grains and use whole or multigrain breads for snacks and lunches. Check ingredient lists to ensure whole grain is listed first.

Keeping skins on fruits and vegetables also boosts nutrient intake, as peels are generally high in nutrients. For instance, a whole apple has up to 332% more vitamin K and 115% more vitamin C than a peeled apple, along with more fiber.

What kinds of foods should I avoid?

Avoid foods with lots of added sugars, like soda, baked treats, and fruit juices. Also, steer clear of excessive amounts of refined grains such as white bread, white rice, pasta, and crackers.

How many grams of carbohydrates should I eat per day?

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the average adult should aim for 900 to 1300 calories (45–65% of total calorie intake) from carbohydrates daily.

As a general rule, fill around half to two-thirds of your meals with healthy carbs, focusing on vegetables and higher-nutrient carbs like beans, brown rice, or quinoa. Check the “total carbohydrates” section on nutrition labels. Make sure to focus on high fiber content and avoid added sugars.

We hope this information helps you make better dietary choices and put you in the right path towards better health!