Unimate: The Yerba Mate Beverage that’s Revolutionising Satiety and Weight Management in Colne

Information is spreading within the Colne area and beyond that one effective strategy to assist in managing a healthy weight revolves around enhancing a sense of satiety, or the feeling of being full. Focus has been centred on injectable drugs such as Ozempic, which are synthesized versions of the hormone GLP-1. This hormone plays a key role in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, and facilitating a sense of fullness and weight loss are part of its benefits.

However, it’s essential to bear in mind that GLP-1 is naturally produced by our bodies, and injection is not the only way to maintain its levels. There are numerous tried-and-true methods to assist the body’s natural GLP-1 production, such as routine exercise, the consumption of dietary fiber, and consuming herbal drinks, specifically Unimate, a beverage derived from yerba mate, which has been recently studied.

The herbal drink, Unimate, comprises a superior quality extract of yerba mate, which has been part of South American cultural practices for centuries, with its popularity growing globally due to its numerous health benefits. Yerba mate, being naturally rich in antioxidants, has been linked to promoting better mental focus, improved endurance, enhancement of mood and appetite management.

Yerba mate beverages are becoming increasingly popular in Colne and globally, however, Unimate’s blend stands apart from the rest. The yerba mate leaves in Unimate are processed through an exclusive five-step method which amplifies the plant’s beneficial compounds generating an ultra-concentrated extract. It contains multiple the amounts of chlorogenic acids found in premium coffee and other commercially available yerba mate drinks. These acids can boost natural GLP-1 levels in the body, resulting in enhanced feelings of fullness.

A study on Unimate concluded that it increased feelings of fullness and reduced hunger, desire to eat, and potential consumption. Unimate is also rich in naturally occurring compounds like caffeine, antioxidants, and theobromine, which are being further researched to understand their impact on satiety and GLP-1.

Due to Unimate’s enormous benefits, the recommendation is to consume it frequently without any restriction to the number of servings per day. To aid in satiety, it’s suggested to drink it in the morning, around noon, and during the afternoon when you require an energy boost. It’s however advised not to consume it close to bedtime if one is caffeine-sensitive.

There are other natural methods to promote satiety, including having ample fiber-rich foods, taking Unicity Balance, a pre-meal fiber supplement with meals, adding protein to your diet, especially lean protein from poultry, dairy, and legumes and not compromising on the consumption of healthy fats. Avoiding ultra-processed foods, which are high in simple carbs and low in fiber hence increasing hunger, is also advised.

For those in Colne who find themselves falling into the routine of constant snacking or want to decrease their periods of hunger, Unimate promises to be an ideal solution. For more information visit ufeelgreat.com today.