Revitalizing Health in Longridge: Shifting Dietary Habits and Embracing the Feel Great Approach for Optimal Metabolic Health

Many aspects of modern living can deter us from achieving a healthy lifestyle in Longridge. It’s a struggle to find time due to our numerous commitments, and summoning the motivation to work out can be a challenge. Additionally, we often find ourselves addressing health issues only when they surface rather than taking early preventative measures.

However, one of the most substantial hindrances to healthy living is our dietary habits. It is alarming that only 7% of Americans can be classified as metabolically healthy today – bearing healthy markers for blood glucose, blood pressure, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and waist circumference.

So what led us to this point of declining health? As we delve into this mystery, it is essential to understand that larger systems are at play.

Modern farming methodologies are a critical factor contributing to this issue. Many individuals in Longridge and across the nation question their health status, often blaming themselves for their lifestyle choices. However, it is more intricate than this. Selective breeding and genetic modification have significantly altered the food we consume compared to our ancestors. Nowadays, farming prioritizes flavor, appearance, and commercial yield, which has arguably reduced the nutritional value of our fruits and vegetables.

Simultaneously, food corporations with their ultra-processed products in our local Longridge grocery outlets are also significant influencers. It is estimated that about 60% of the American diet consists of processed food, which are stripped of nutrients and fiber and packed with refined sugars and harmful fats. As consumers, our choices become limited as these companies dominate the market, selling an array of refined carbohydrates under different labels.

This prevalence of unhealthy foods and unwholesome eating habits have triggered a surge in modern diseases. Despite remarkable strides in healthcare technology, the detrimental changes to our diet have resulted in a society that is progressively unwell.

Addressing this issue and restoring metabolic health necessitates a change in mindset and habits at a large scale. Unicity – a health intervention company operating in Longridge and globally – recognized this decades ago. They have been dedicated to crafting science-based solutions that make metabolic health support more attainable for people worldwide.

Achieving lasting change isn’t about willpower alone; what we need is an effective plan. The “Feel Great” approach, which includes intermittent fasting and two supplementary products, is one such approach.

Our bodies rely on two primary energy sources, carbohydrates, and fat. However, with a constant supply of carbs from our diet, we rarely tap into our fat reserves for energy, impeding our metabolic flexibility. Adopting intermittent fasting helps regulate our insulin and blood glucose levels, allowing our bodies to use stored carbs and fat for energy.

But sustaining intermittent fasting can be tough, which is where Unimate and Balance come into play. Unimate, a condensed yerba mate drink, supports cognitive processes, provides stamina, promotes a feeling of fullness, and aids in weight management. It can be consumed without breaking the fast. Balance is a fiber-rich pre-meal drink that mitigates the adverse effects of carbs and cholesterol, helps curb appetite between meals, and maintain normal, healthy blood glucose levels.

The combination of these two programs, coupled with the practice of intermittent fasting, provides a straightforward approach to achieving optimal metabolic health.

Broadly, we can conclude that poor metabolic health poses serious risks to our society today, but it’s not too late for us to reclaim our health. Millions of people worldwide, including many in Longridge, have prioritized leading healthier lifestyles, and are feeling better as a result.

The “Feel Great” approach is not only effective, but it ensures a healthier lifestyle without imposing extreme diets or intense work out routines. To learn more about the approach and start your journey towards better health, visit Further information about Balance and Unimate based on scientific research can be found on Unicity’s science website.