Overcoming Barriers to Metabolic Health: A Spotlight on Ramsbottom and Unicity’s Groundbreaking Approach

Several barriers deter us from pursuing a healthy lifestyle, such as time constraints, a lack of motivation, and a reactive rather than proactive approach to wellness. In Ramsbottom and elsewhere, these factors combined with our eating habits pose severe challenges. Statistics show that only 7% of Americans meet the criteria for metabolic health. The parameters include blood glucose, blood pressure, HDI cholesterol, triglycerides, and waist circumference.

Our society’s overall health has been compromised by factors that extend beyond personal habits. Farming methods, for instance, have significantly changed, leading us to consume different foods than our ancestors. Produce now satisfies our craving for sweet, oversized, and ubiquitously available fruits and vegetables, which unfortunately are not as nutritious as those grown in the past.

Today’s food industry’s monolithic structure also plays a critical role in determining our health. The prevalence of ultra-processed foods, forming about 60% of an average American’s diet, is primarily orchestrated by eleven major food companies. These conglomerates have successfully seized a staggering $3.3 trillion in value, selling products made primarily from refined carbohydrates.

The consequent upsurge of modern diseases can be traced back to these dietary changes. We are suffering from a lack of metabolic health, impacting the quality of our life and wellbeing, even in this age of remarkable healthcare advancements.

Recognizing this issue and the imperative to reclaim our metabolic health, Unicity emerged as a champion of healthy living. The Health Intervention Company provides science-backed remedies to support the world’s metabolic health.

The strategy Unicity suggests, termed as the ‘Feel Great approach,’ integrates intermittent fasting with two specially designed products, Unimate and Balance. These products aim to embolden metabolic flexibility, allowing our bodies to switch between carbohydrates and fat as an energy source. They also help to maintain low insulin levels and positively influence appetite control.

The proposition is thrilling: imbibe a metabolic health lifestyle with one evidence-based practice, coupled with two products, all with minimal need for significant willpower.

It’s high time we regain our control of our health. Our metabolic health doesn’t have to be at the mercy of societal influences. Join millions of others in prioritizing a healthier lifestyle—Ramsbottom residents included—and start reaping the rewards. To tap into this transformative journey, visit ufeelgreat.com and learn how you can make a tangible difference. You can also check out our Unicity science site to understand how Balance and Unimate can support you.