Intermittent Fasting in Longridge: A Comprehensive Guide to Post-Fast Dietary Choices for Optimal Health

Intermittent fasting is widely embraced, due in part to its adaptability and numerous health benefits. This approach allows individuals in Longridge to adjust their fasting schedule in line with their lifestyle, with no restrictions on their diet choices, proving it to be a well-liked solution for weight regulation and promoting overall health and wellness.

Crucially though, the dietary choices you make immediately following a fast may have different impacts compared to the effects of those foods if consumed at a later period.

The importance of your post-fast diet
After an extended period of fasting, ideally 16 hours, it’s crucial to re-introduce your body to digestion gently. Jumping straight back in with a hefty, highly processed meal can be a bit of a gut shock, potentially causing digestive disturbance that may last for a few hours.

Five Foods to Avoid Post-Fast

The best place to start is with food items you should avoid after fasting. In general, try to steer clear of ultra-processed foods, ones high in saturated fats, and other foods that are harsh on the digestive system.

Sweet Snacks and Beverages. Any high-carb food can cause your blood sugar level to spike. This spike can be more profound if you haven’t eaten for a while, potentially causing you to return to hunger within a few hours, and likely creating a slump in energy levels.

Red Meat. High-fat foods like beef and pork are difficult to digest. Breaking your fast with a juicy steak may seem appealing, but it will put your gut through its paces and could cause temporary digestive disturbance.

Raw Vegetables. Raw, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are rich in fibre and critical nutrients, but can induce bloating and other digestive discomfort if eaten too soon after ending your fast.

Nuts and Seeds. Though nuts and seeds provide beneficial fats, they are also tough to digest and could cause temporary discomfort. Try to hold off on consuming large quantities until several hours after your fast has ended.

Legumes. These are a good protein source and provide complex carbohydrates and fibre. However, those with sensitive stomachs may encounter digestion issues if legumes are consumed straight after a fast.

Tip: Overindulging after ending a fast can be tempting, as we often view this as a reward for the fasting process. However, excess consumption post-fast can prompt digestive disturbance and potentially disrupt the gains made during fasting.

Seven Foods to Opt for Post-Fast

Each person is unique, and the body can respond differently to breaking a fast. A good general guideline is to begin with easily digestible and hydrating foods post-fast.

Bone Broth. This contains plenty of protein, in an easily digestible form. It’s also helpful for rehydration and replenishing electrolytes.

Fish. Fish, compared to most animal-based proteins, is more digestible. Including fish in your first meal post-fast might seem odd, but it’s a helpful way to ease your body back into digestion. Plus, it’s packed with omega-3s and other vital nutrients.

Whole Fruits. These are high in water content and have easily digestible carbs. Whole fruits with their skins on effectively support healthy blood sugar levels due to their fibre content. Fruits such as berries, melons, and bananas are particularly beneficial post-fast because they’re rich in water, fibre, and vitamins.

Avocados. Avocados contradict the rule of avoiding high-fat, high-fibre foods immediately post-fast. Avocados offer unsaturated fats, dietary fibre, and are packed with nutrients.

Yoghurt. Greek yoghurt and other fermented foods provide probiotics – which are beneficial for your gut. These probiotic-rich foods can aid digestion when ending a fast.

Eggs. Being a complete protein source, eggs provide all nine essential amino acids, along with essential vitamins and minerals. Incorporating eggs within your first meal post-fast can provide essential nutrients.

Cooked Green Vegetables. While raw veggies may cause digestive discomfort post-fast, cooked vegetables make an excellent choice for food after fasting. The cooking process makes them easier to digest, preserving their vitamins and minerals.

Tip: Regular hydration is paramount, during fasting periods and within your eating window, especially following a fast. For a bit of a boost, try Unimate, which bolsters mental stamina, focus, and satiety without ending your fast. For more drink choices, check out these drinks that will and won’t disrupt your fast.

Boost your intermittent fasting results
Mastering intermittent fasting can take some time, and knowing which foods are advisable, and which are best to avoid can significantly enhance your success. For further assistance with intermittent fasting, visit

Enjoy the benefits of adopting a fast routine suited to your lifestyle in Longridge. By being mindful of what you consume after fasting, you can enjoy this flexible and beneficial approach to managing your health and weight.