Feel Great Program in Whitworth: Unlock Your Full Potential

Unlock Your Full Potential with the Feel Great Program in Whitworth

Imagine having the energy to breeze through a productive day. Picture the capability to stay physically active, the mental clarity to fully immerse yourself in life’s moments, shedding those extra pounds, and enjoying seamless digestion. These are just some aspects of what it means to truly feel great, and it’s something everyone desires. However, the definition of ‘feeling great’ can vary from person to person.

Thanks to Unicity’s Feel Great Program, people worldwide are now achieving their own personal versions of greatness. For residents of Whitworth, this program is your ticket to fulfilling those diverse health and wellness goals you’ve always dreamed about.

Two Products, One Practice

The Feel Great program is straightforward yet transformative. It combines two exceptional supplements—Unicity Balance and Unimate—with intermittent fasting to help you feel your best, without overly rigid diet and exercise demands.

  • Unimate: An ultra-concentrated, purified yerba mate drink. Known for its unique blend of plant compounds, yerba mate can enhance mood, boost mental clarity, and suppress appetite.
  • Balance: A patented mix of fibers, nutrients, and plant compounds designed to support digestion, manage weight, and reduce glucose spikes after meals.
  • Intermittent Fasting: A time-based eating practice that helps maintain normal insulin levels and utilize stored fat for energy.

While the Feel Great program makes long-term wellness easier, the initial adjustment can be a bit daunting. Any change for the better can seem intimidating at first, but that’s a sign you’re moving in the right direction.

If you encounter challenges with specific aspects of the Feel Great program, use these tips as your guide to success. You can do it!

Unimate: Your Source of Mental Support

Lack of focus and energy can be a major obstacle to achieving your goals. Starting your day with Unimate, available in several flavors, can set you up for success from the get-go.

  • Rich source of chlorogenic acids, theobromine, mate saponins, and antioxidants
  • Enhances energy and concentration
  • No added sugar
  • Promotes feelings of well-being and relaxation

Tips for Best Results:

Drink Unimate first thing in the morning to start your day strong. You can also enjoy it any time you need an extra boost—before a meeting, a workout, or any moment you need a pick-me-up. If the flavor is too strong, simply add more water. Feel free to mix it up; try it with sparkling water, add it to a sugar-free beverage, or enjoy it hot or cold, depending on your mood or Whitworth’s ever-changing weather.

Balance: Your Physical Support

Every day, the choices we make affect our bodies, especially our diet. Making perfect food choices every day can be challenging. Enter Unicity Balance, the second core product in the Feel Great program, which works behind the scenes to maintain your body’s wellness.

  • Supports healthy blood glucose levels
  • Helps you feel fuller longer, curbing appetite between meals
  • Regulates energy levels throughout the day to avoid post-meal energy spikes and crashes

Tips for Best Results:

Drink Balance 10–15 minutes before your two largest meals of the day. If that’s tricky, don’t stress if you drink it just a few minutes before eating. Mix with cool water only, shake well, and drink immediately. If digestion issues arise, start with one dose a day and gradually increase to two as your body adjusts.

Intermittent Fasting: A Smarter Way to Eat

Both Unimate and Balance help keep you feeling satisfied, which makes them excellent companions for intermittent fasting (IF). With these supplements, maintaining an IF schedule becomes much easier!

Unicity recommends the 16:8 IF method—16 hours of fasting with an 8-hour eating window, most of which occurs while you sleep. For most people in Whitworth, this means no snacking after dinner or skipping breakfast (substituting with Unimate instead).

Tips for Adapting to 16:8 IF:

  • Choose a fasting window that works best for you. If skipping breakfast is tough, consider fasting from 5 or 6 p.m. the day before and enjoying breakfast at 9 or 10 a.m.
  • If needed, reduce fasting time to 12-14 hours initially. Gradually extend your fasting period as your body adapts.
  • Don’t worry about one bad day ruining your progress—it’s okay to miss the mark occasionally.

Though adapting to IF can take some time, the results are well worth it. For further insights, check out these intermittent fasting do’s and don’ts.

Embark on Your Journey to Wellness

Feeling great doesn’t have to be complicated. Often, it’s about starting and maintaining good habits. Once you begin your Feel Great journey here in Whitworth, you won’t want it to end. That’s what makes the Feel Great program so effective.

Give it a try today and watch how it transforms your life!