Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle in Oswaldtwistle: Overcoming Dietary Challenges with the Feel Great Strategy

Restrictions on embracing a fitness-promoting lifestyle are manifold. There are many obstacles standing in the way of becoming healthy. Time constraints, lack of motivation for physical exercise and tempted to curbing health issues before they occur are some of these obstacles, especially in the town of Oswaldtwistle.

One of the significant impediments to healthy living, though, is our dietary patterns. The unfortunate reality is that 93% of Americans fall short when it comes to meeting metabolic health standards. For a sterling metabolic health, smooth functioning blood glucose, blood pressure, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and waist circumference are essential. If you fall within the range of good health for all of these five markers, you are among the fortunate ones.

How did it come to this? Don’t stress over the guilty pleasure of mac and cheese you savoured for lunch; global health issues aren’t solely our cross to bear. But the silver lining in this cloud is that the situation can, indeed be reversed.

Agricultural methods have seen a shift. The root of the current health crisis is not merely about maintaining a balanced diet; it’s about understanding the evolution of the food that we eat today.. Our agricultural practices have changed since past generations, as we’ve striven over time for big, flavourful produce that appeals to our tastebuds. This intense genetic modification and selective breeding has led to fruits and vegetables that look and taste appealing but aren’t as enriched in nutrition as their predecessors.

The dominant control of food companies complicates the situation. It is important to unpack the influence of these companies while discussing the modern dietary landscape. Approximately 60% of the diet of an average American is processed foods. Designed for convenience and addictive taste, the processed foods are largely devoid of essential nutrients and fibre and are excessive in unhealthy sugars and fats.

Our grocery shopping routines are dictated by these industry giants. If you are familiar with the repetition of brands in your grocery store in Oswaldtwistle, you have experienced the monopolistic power of these eleven companies. The exclusionary power of these companies, holding a value of $3.3 trillion, manipulates our dietary choices. Their priority lies in profit maximization, which drives them to sell different variants of processed carbohydrates, aptly tantalizing to our taste buds.

Resulting health degradation. Unfortunately, the shift in our dietary world has contributed to a sicker society, even with amazing scientific advancements in healthcare today. Less metabolic health is not merely a numerical problem, but it also affects our overall well-being and hence, quality of life.

Proposal for Metabolic health improvement. The need of the hour is resetting our metabolic health, which will require reforming our mindset and practices. Unicity, The Health Intervention Company, recognized this challenge decades ago and has strived to curate science-driven solutions for supporting metabolic health globally.

Considering most diets fail, it’s evident that willpower alone cannot bring about drastic change. What we require is something bridging the gap between what we aspire and what our current reality is.

The Solution: The Feel Great strategy. The Feel Great strategy is simple: intermittent fasting complemented with two products catering to boosting your fasting goals.

Our bodies majorly rely on carbohydrates and fats for energy. By nature, humans possess metabolic flexibility, the ability to efficiently alternate between these two sources of energy. However, high carbohydrate diets or continuous nibbling throughout the day and night keeps our insulin and glucose levels high, resulting in inefficient energy utilization.

Intermittent fasting ensures longer periods of low insulin levels, allowing your body to use stored carbohydrates and fats for energy. Numerous studies have validated this practice to support healthy glucose and cholesterol levels, boost heart health, and improve overall metabolic health, among other advantages.

Two products, Unimate and Balance, simplify this challenging practice of intermittent fasting.

Unimate, a highly concentrated yerba mate drink, supports healthy cognitive functioning, maintains endurance and stamina, promotes satiety and assists in weight-management. Ideal for anytime consumption without interrupting your fasting routine.

Balance is a pre-meal fibre drink that mitigates the severe effects of excess carbohydrates and cholesterol in the body. It curbs appetite between meals and aids in maintaining standard, healthy blood glucose levels.

A combination of one practice with two products can bring about a substantial change without demanding excessive will power.

Regaining control. Poor metabolic health is a burgeoning threat confronting society today, including the community of Oswaldtwistle. But it’s not too late to turn around the situation. Millions worldwide are prioritizing a healthier lifestyle and progressively feeling better due to their choices.

The Feel Great approach is increasingly becoming popular due to its simplicity and effectiveness, without compelling an extreme diet or exercise routine. You can visit ufeelgreat.com to learn more about the program and how to begin. You can also explore our Unicity science site for research on Balance and Unimate.