Garstang’s Route to Wellness: Unicity’s Feel Great System

Just about everyone in Garstang wants to feel better in some way. There are many paths that lead to a healthier lifestyle, such as improving diet, engaging in regular exercise, and participating in stress-relieving activities. However, maintaining these paths can be difficult over the long term. Life is busy, and sometimes, dedication to a worthwhile goal isn’t sufficient to keep you on track. Despite our best efforts, willpower alone is often not enough.

But here’s the good news for the folks of Garstang – you can feel great consistently without adopting a highly restrictive diet or an extreme exercise routine.

Unicity’s Feel Great System is designed to make a healthy lifestyle not only doable but also enjoyable. It helps you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

The Feel Great Approach

Based on decades of scientific research, Unicity has formulated a straightforward equation to help you feel great:

Unimate + Balance + Time-Based Eating Pattern

Let’s delve into each component a little further.


What it is: Unimate is a highly concentrated yerba mate drink that helps you focus on your goals with an improved mood and heightened mental stamina. It’s a potent source of caffeine and antioxidant chlorogenic acids. Plus, it’s sugar-free, so no worrying about a sugar crash later.

No matter what stage of life you’re in, Unimate provides the extra boost you need to keep up with your daily demands here in Garstang.

When to take it: When you’re hungry in the morning, before working out, or whenever you need to combat brain fog or mental fatigue.

How to use it: Mix one packet with 17–24 oz. of water (hot or cold).


What it is: Balance is a pre-meal drink with a patented fiber matrix that includes bioactive plant compounds, polysaccharides, and micronutrients. This fibre matrix promotes healthy digestion and supports the feeling of satiety. Balance also contains important vitamins, minerals, and soluble fibre to aid in weight management.

When to take it: Twice daily, 10–15 minutes before your two largest meals.

How to use it: Mix each packet with 8–10 oz. of water. Mix vigorously in a shaker cup and drink immediately.

Time-Based Eating Pattern

In Garstang, as in many other places, the typical modern diet is loaded with carbs, leading to elevated blood sugar levels. When your body is constantly cycling through high blood sugar and high insulin levels, it can become insulin resistant, which over time, can disrupt your body’s systems.

One effective way to keep insulin levels in check is by increasing the time between meals – known as time-based eating or intermittent fasting (IF). This allows your body the time it needs to enter a natural fat-burning state, instead of relying on a steady supply of glucose.

Remember: the fewer your insulin spikes, the more your body is fueled by fat rather than carbs.

To get started with intermittent fasting, try the 4-4-12 rule. This means waiting 4 hours between your first and second meals, another 4 hours between your second and third meals, and then a 12-16 hour fast before your first meal the next day. Extending the fasting period to 16 hours (also known as 16:8) can provide excellent benefits.

Unimate and Balance are designed to make time-based eating easy, keeping you fuller for longer and reducing the temptation to snack between meals.

The Result: Feel Great

Combining Unimate and Balance with a time-based eating pattern creates a powerful synergy that helps you not just feel better but feel great. Best of all, you won’t have to rely solely on willpower to succeed.

Visit to learn more about the Feel Great program. Get started today and embrace a healthier lifestyle in Garstang!