Boost Your Day with Unimate: Top 13 Uses in Preston

Yerba mate, a pivotal component in Unimate, is naturally abundant in caffeine, antioxidants, saponins, and a range of other nutrients. This traditional ingredient has been celebrated for centuries for its multifaceted benefits. Unimate’s proprietary yerba mate extract amplifies these advantages, and—bonus!—it comes in three delectable flavors.

Unimate is the perfect energy boost for almost any situation you find yourself in Preston. Below are just a few reasons why you’ll want to keep Unimate nearby:

1. First Thing in the Morning

Kickstart your day in Preston with Unimate. Yerba mate has long been known to support mood, mental stamina, and focus. What better way, then, to set the tone for a productive day than with Unimate?

2. Before a Workout

“I’d work out more if I had the motivation to do it,” you might say. Unimate can help you find that motivation. Get in the mood and smash your workout in Preston!

3. Before (or During) a Long Meeting

Feeling drained after a lengthy meeting? Meetings require human energy, and the longer they run, the more energy you expend, leaving you with little for other tasks. Stay ahead of the mental drain by sipping Unimate beforehand. It will help you stay focused and alert through the meeting, and you’ll still have energy for the rest of your to-dos.

4. While Studying for a Test

Preparation is key, as they say. Begin each study session by giving your brain a little support with Unimate, so you can maximize your hard work—and even retain what you review when you move on to other things.

5. As an Afternoon Pick-Me-Up

We all know the feeling: you’re comfortably full from lunch and a nap seems very tempting. Rather than giving in or attempting to fight the brain fog on your own, let Unimate help you find the mental alertness and motivation you need. Soon enough, you’ll find that afternoons in Preston are something to be enjoyed, not just endured.

6. When the Weather Has Got You Down

Whether it’s stiflingly hot or cold and stormy in Preston, Unimate can help lift your spirits out of a weather-induced funk. Enjoy it cold on a hot day or hot on a cold day, and watch your mood improve.

7. Any Time You Feel Mentally Drained

Burnout is real. Having too much on your plate for too long takes its toll. Instead of trying to push through it yourself, take a break, mix up a cup of Unimate and let it alleviate your mental fatigue. Sometimes all we need is a little extra support to make daunting responsibilities seem manageable.

8. When You Need to Fast for a Little Longer

Intermittent fasting helps your body maintain normal, healthy blood glucose levels and supports weight management efforts. But many struggle with the fasting-while-awake part, especially if they’re already low on energy. The good news is, you can still drink Unimate without breaking your fast! Usually, if something seems too good to be true, it is, but that’s not the case with Unimate. With zero added sugars, Unimate is the perfect morning beverage to enjoy before you eat your first meal, helping you stay energized so it’s easier to stick to your intermittent fasting schedule.

9. While Tackling Household Tasks

Laundry, dishes, messes left by the kids—household chores never end. With its ability to boost mood and support mental focus, Unimate can give you the extra push you need to get through what needs to be done and still have something left over to do what you actually want to do.

10. While You’re Traveling or On-the-Go

One of the great things about Unimate is that it’s ready to go as soon as you rip open a package and mix it into a bottle of water. The individual sachets are easy to carry around with you, whether you’re out running errands in Preston or exploring new territories outside your home turf.

11. Mixed with Another Unicity Product for Extra Benefits

Unicity has a lot of fantastic products, so why stop with Unimate? Mix it with Bone Fortify, Vanilla Complete, Oasis, or Probionic Plus for extra nutrients and benefits. You’ll find that the flavors mesh well together, too.

12. In Place of an Energy Drink or Cup of Coffee

For many, it’s instinctual to grab a sugary energy drink or cup of coffee every time their ability to get things done starts to lag. The next time this happens, try drinking Unimate instead and enjoy the steady support it provides, without the crash that follows after your energy drink wears off. Unimate is also sugar-free and contains up to 10 times the amount of chlorogenic acids (the feel-good, “get-up-and-go” compound) found in a premium cup of coffee.

13. Any Time You Need to Be at Your Best

Have an important job interview coming up? Need to deliver a big presentation? Hosting a party? Drink Unimate beforehand so you can put your best foot forward.

With its chlorogenic acids, theobromine, and naturally occurring caffeine, Unimate fits into your life in Preston whenever you need it. Visit the Unicity Shop to try it today.