Reviving Metabolic Health in Haslingden: The Feel Great Approach

A multitude of factors hinder us from maintaining a healthy lifestyle, even in Haslingden. All too often, we find ourselves managing multiple responsibilities, lacking enough motivation to engage in essential workouts, or only attending to health issues once they have manifested instead of proactively taking preventative measures against potential health problems that could surface.

One of the major hindrances to achieving a healthy lifestyle is our food intake. Across the USA, only a meager 7% of people fulfill the criteria required for metabolic health. These criteria include factors such as blood glucose, blood pressure, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and waist circumference. If you possess healthy levels in all these areas, you can comfortably count yourself as part of the small minority of people enjoying good metabolic health.

Many individuals within our community in Haslingden might be asking themselves, how did we reach this point? Before you chastise yourself for the carb-loaded meal you indulged in at lunch today, understand that the deteriorating global health situation isn’t entirely our fault. The promising news is, there are proactive measures that we can undertake to reverse this trend.

Farming techniques and food industries have notably transformed. Many people may feel guilty about their current health state, considering they have ‘let themselves go’. However, it is crucial to note that the situation is more complicated. For instance, contemporary farming techniques prioritize consumers’ preference for sweeter, bigger, and tastier produce. Consequently, modern-day fruits and vegetables, while appealing visually and to our taste buds, provide less nutritional value compared to those consumed by our ancestors.

Moreover, the food landscape today is dominated by an estimated 60% of ultra-processed foods in our diets, designed for taste and convenience, exploiting our cravings and ensuring frequent patronage. Consequently, these processed foods are nutritionally compromised, often stripped of vital nutrients and fibers, and replaced with refined sugars and unhealthy fats.

The commercial food sector holds considerable sway in the variety and quality of food we consume. Surprisingly, only 11 food companies account for $3.3 trillion, granting them considerable control over what we eat. Unfortunately, these major companies primarily focus on profit margins rather than the nutritional value of their products.

Consequences of these changes in our food landscape are escalating levels of modern diseases, even in an era boasting significant healthcare advancements. Apart from declining metabolic health, these changes also affect our overall wellness, impacting the quality of life across the Haslingden community and beyond.

But there’s hope. A metabolic health intervention is indeed possible. Companies like Unicity have been working tirelessly for decades to design scientific-backed solutions to support and revive our metabolic health on a global scale.

Notably, routine diets often fail, implying that sheer willpower may not suffice to instigate the lasting transformation we yearn for in our health. What we truly need are feasible, reliable tools to bridge the gap between our current state and our desired health goals.

The Feel Great approach aims to address this gap, proposing a simple solution. The strategy involves intermittent fasting accompanied by two products, Unimate and Balance, which augment your fasting efforts.

Our bodies chiefly rely on carbohydrates and fat as energy sources, and we are born with capability to switch between the two sources efficiently, a concept known as metabolic flexibility. However, regularly consuming a high-carb diet or eating frequently throughout the day destabilizes our insulin and blood glucose levels, hindering our bodies’ natural fat-burning ability.

Introducing intermittent fasting or increasing intervals between meals can reduce insulin levels for extended periods, enabling your body to burn stored carbohydrates and fat for energy. This widely researched practice has shown to sustain healthy glucose and cholesterol levels, bolster heart health, and improve overall metabolic health.

The challenge is that maintaining intermittent fasting long term can be difficult. Hence, Unicity introduced two supplementary products, Unimate and Balance, to alleviate this difficulty.

Unimate is a high-powered yerba mate drink that promotes healthy cognitive functions, stamina, endurance, and weight management. Additionally, Balance is a pre-meal fiber beverage designed to mitigate the impacts of excessive carbohydrates and cholesterol in the body and helps to maintain regular, healthy blood glucose levels.

By employing this uncomplicated strategy – one simple practice and two products, you may not even require willpower.

It’s important to understand that declining metabolic health is a serious issue confronting our society, even extending to our community in Haslingden. Nevertheless, we have the power to change that. Numerous individuals globally are now prioritizing a healthier lifestyle and are reaping the benefits of their efforts daily.

The Feel Great approach offers the chance to improve your health without subjecting you to extreme dieting or strenuous workout routines. It’s more about restarting control over your metabolic health. Visit the website to learn more about the program and how to commence your healthier lifestyle journey. Additionally, the Unicity science website provides in-depth information about the studies supporting Balance and Unimate.