Overcoming Modern Health Challenges in Barley: Metabolic Health, Unhealthy Diets, and the ‘Feel Great’ Approach with Unicity

Numerous factors deter us from embracing a wholesome lifestyle in Barley and beyond. Among these are the relentless pressures of time, lack of motivation towards crucial workouts, and our tendentiousness to react to health issues only after they emerge, neglecting proactive preventions of impending health threats.

Nonetheless, our diet arguably impacts our health and lifestyle the most. The current scenario indicates that a stunning 93% of Americans do not meet the standards of metabolic health. A comprehensive metabolic health assessment considers five key markers: blood glucose, blood pressure, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and waist circumference. To be considered metabolically healthy, all these parameters must figure at a healthy level, a status enjoyed by a mere handful.

A pertinent question arises: how did we land here? Instead of guilt-tripping yourself for that scrumptious helping of macaroni and cheese, understand that our declining health state cannot be solely attributed to personal negligence. However, it’s heartening to know that we do have the power to change this situation.

We have witnessed drastic alterations in farming methodologies in and around Barley. Many blame their deteriorating health on complacency and self-neglect. However, it’s more complicated. The food we consume today differs significantly from our distant forefathers’ diet, primarily due to selective breeding and advanced genetic modifications.

Current farming techniques pander to our fondness for larger, sweeter, and delicious produce, giving us visually appealing fruits and vegetables, sadly low on nutrition compared to older times.

Also, it’s hard to ignore the mammoth influence that food corporations hold over our modern food ecosystem, especially within places like Barley. Ultra-processed foods, forming about 60% of the American diet, are tempting and convenient, encouraging repeated purchases. Many of these food items lack essential nutrients and fiber but abound in refined sugars and unhealthy fats.

Regular grocery shoppers often see the same food brands time and again. In reality, only 11 food corporations, accounting for $3.3 trillion worth, dictate our available food choices, predominantly marketing palate-pleasing, addictive versions of refined carbohydrates. Their primary concern is profit, and their strategy centers on sugar and unhealthy fat-laded foods, which ensure their products’ consistent popularity.

Unfortunately, all these dietary modifications culminate in significant public health repercussions. Modern lifestyle diseases are rising, adversely affecting our metabolic health, overall wellbeing, and impacting life quality.

However, there’s hope with Unicity, The Health Intervention Company, which has been formulating science-backed solutions since decades to aid individuals worldwide in regaining metabolic health. Considering most diets fail, lasting change necessitates not just strong resolve but also effective strategies to fill the gap between the present state and health goals.

Unicity has developed a simple approach named ‘Feel Great’, comprising intermittent fasting and two supporting products. It is designed to utilize our bodies’ inherent capacity to use both carbohydrate and fat energy sources and swap efficiently between these two – a phenomenon called metabolic flexibility. But, habitual consumption of carbohydrate-rich diets or frequent eating throughout the day results in elevated insulin and blood glucose levels, inhibiting the body from accessing stored energy or sufficiently burning carbohydrates to revert to a natural fat-burning state.

Intermittent fasting or increased intervals between meals helps in maintaining prolonged low insulin levels and using stored carbohydrates and fat for energy. This particular lifestyle has been extensively researched and proven to maintain normal glucose and cholesterol levels, support heart health, and enhance metabolic health.

Nevertheless, sustaining intermittent fasting for the long term can be challenging, which is where Unicity’s products, Unimate and Balance, come into the picture.

Unimate, a concentrated yerba mate drink, supports healthy cognitive processes, endurance and stamina, promotes fullness, and aids in weight management. It can be consumed anytime without interrupting the fasting schedule, providing that much-needed boost to extend fasting durations comfortably.

Balance is a pre-meal fiber drink formulated to buffer the impact of excess carbohydrates and cholesterol on the body, curb between-meal hunger pangs, and maintain healthy blood glucose levels.

The combination of these two products with intermittent fasting forms the ‘Feel Great’ approach that requires little to no willpower.

It’s high time we acknowledged the crisis of poor metabolic health, one of the most formidable challenges confronting us today. Luckily, it’s never too late to act. Countless individuals worldwide, including in Barley, are prioritizing healthier lifestyles and experiencing improved wellbeing.

The Feel Great approach stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness, without demanding drastic diet or exercise regimens. Visit ufeelgreat.com to explore more about the approach and initiate your journey to improved health. Moreover, check out Unicity’s scientific research studies on Balance and Unimate at our dedicated site.