Reclaiming Metabolic Health in Preston: Overcoming the Challenges of Modern Diets with the Feel Great Approach

Leading a healthy lifestyle in today’s hectic world can be challenging. Living in Preston adds a unique dynamic, surrounded by a bustling city life that often conflicts with wellness goals. Most of us contend with tight schedules, find it hard to motivate ourselves for exercising, and we usually wait for health issues to manifest before we attempt to address them.

But one key factor that often restrains us from healthy living is the food we consume. At the moment, 93% of Americans (and a large number of Preston residents) fall short of achieving metabolic health. Metabolic health involves five key markers: blood glucose, blood pressure, HDI cholesterol, triglycerides, and waist circumference. Only a small fraction of our population, in Preston or elsewhere, can claim to have normal levels in all these five categories.

The question is, how did we get here? Before you blame the cheesy pasta you just consumed, consider that our global health issues are part of a much broader problem. Our state of health can be substantially attributed to how farming methods and food systems have evolved to accommodate our changing tastes and preferences.

Farming practices in regions like Preston and beyond have developed to suit our cravings for sweeter, bigger and more flavorful produce. In the process, these farming techniques have resulted in fruits and vegetables that look and taste appealing but lack the nutritional content they used to have.

Furthermore, the influence of food corporations on what we eat cannot be underestimated. The processed foods industry, which accounts for approximately 60% of the American diet, has grown tremendously. In fact, it is the stronghold of a few major food companies who control and monopolize the food available in our local Preston stores and supermarkets across the nation. These companies design foods to be tasty and convenient so we’ll keep buying them. Most of these foods are stripped of nutrients and fiber and loaded with unhealthy fats and sugars.

As a result of these developments, we’re experiencing increased incidence of modern diseases. Despite countless healthcare advancements, we’re becoming a less metabolically healthy society. This is why we need a metabolic health intervention. Unicity, The Health Intervention Company, recognized this years ago and has been creating science-based solutions to support metabolic health globally and within local regions like Preston.

Underlining the fact that the majority of diets fail, it’s clear motivation alone is not enough to stimulate long-lasting changes in our lifestyle. That’s where the Feel Great approach comes in – it involves the practice of intermittent fasting and two supporting products.

Intermittent fasting, which is widely researched, extends periods between meals, allows our bodies to maintain low insulin levels, and runs our bodies on stored carbohydrates and fat. Though maintaining such a regiment long term can be difficult, Unicity created Unimate and Balance. Unimate, a concentrated yerba mate drink, supports cognitive processes, stamina, weight-management efforts, and hunger control. Balance is a pre-meal fiber drink that curbs appetite, aids in digestion and supports healthy blood glucose levels. Together, they can help people in Preston and worldwide reclaim control of their metabolic health.

Metabolic health is a pressing concern that affects Preston and the rest of the world. However, it’s not too late to make a difference. By embracing the Feel Great approach, millions can enjoy improved lifestyle and wellbeing. Visit and discover more about this program or browse Unicity’s scientific studies on Unimate and Balance on their website.