Combatting Poor Metabolic Health: The Revolutionary Feel Great Approach in Bacup

Leading a healthy lifestyle is often hampered by numerous obstacles. The stressful demands of our busy schedules, our lack of motivation to exercise, and our habit of addressing health issues only when they’re evident and pressing, not to mention prevalent health issues waiting to unveil themselves.

Notwithstanding, nothing hinders healthy living more profoundly than our dietary choices. Shockedingly, only 7% of Americans are in a sound metabolic state. Essential indicators of a decent metabolic health state encompass blood glucose, blood pressure, waist circumference, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Usually, having healthy levels in these five areas signifies that you’re one of the few individuals enjoying tip-top metabolic health.

Interestingly, residents of Bacup are not an exception to these challenges.

Deciphering the course of our current health situation, it is critical to note that excessive self-blame for a bowl of mac and cheese may not fully answer the question. The status of public health cannot be attributed solely to individual choices. Agriculturally, contemporary farming techniques are significantly different from ancestral ones due to selective breeding and recent genetic modification. These translate to larger and arguably tastier fruits and vegetables which unfortunately aren’t as nutritious as their forebears.

Moreover, we can’t fail to acknowledge the role of food companies in our modern food system. These corporations have an overwhelming influence, manufacturing ultra-processed foods that constitute roughly 60% of an average American’s food intake. These foods are stripped of vital nutrients and fibre while being overrun with unhealthy fats and refined sugars. Dominated by a few powerful entities that share a lion’s cut of the lucrative market, they steer their focus on profit-making through the production of addictive, high in sugar and unhealthy fats food products.

The prevalence of these dynamics has inadvertently led to an increase in modern diseases, thus creating a society that’s increasingly unhealthy, even with significant strides in healthcare. This impacts our overall metabolic health and subsequently the quality of our lives.

However, hope is not lost. The Health Intervention Company, Unicity, has recognized this issue and responded by introducing science-based solutions to improve metabolic health. This move recognises the fact that most diets fail, hence it is not sheer willpower that is required to inspire the lasting change we yearn for but a practical approach.

As such, the Feel Great approach might be the bridge we need, connecting where we currently stand and where we aspire to be. At its core, it’s a simple combination of intermittent fasting along with two supporting products: Unimate and Balance.

Unimate is a highly concentrated yerba mate drink designed to support healthy cognitive processes, aid stamina and endurance, promote satiety and assist in weight management without interrupting your fast. On the other hand, Balance is a pre-meal fibre drink targeting to minimise the impact of excessive carbohydrates and cholesterol on the body. It also aids in attenuating appetite between meals and supports normal blood glucose levels.

Thus, the fight against poor metabolic health which is a pervasive societal issue today is not lost. Countless individuals globally, including Bacup, are progressively prioritising a healthier lifestyle and reaping the benefits thereof.

The Feel Great approach tops the chart not only for its simplicity but also for its effectiveness without imposing stringent diets or rigorous physical activities. To learn more about this technique, visit or our Unicity science site for a closer look at Unimate and Balance.