Boosting Metabolic Health: The Vital Role of Food Choices and the ‘Feel Great’ Approach to Wellness

There are various obstacles that prevent us from achieving optimal health. The seemingly incessant demands on our time, lack of stimulation to exercise, and our tendency to only address health issues when they emerge rather than taking preventive measures are all factors contributing to our struggles.

However, in the lens of healthy living, the food we consume plays an undeniable role. It’s alarming that at present, only 7% of Americans can be classified as metabolically healthy. The metabolic health benchmarks comprise blood sugar levels, blood pressure, HDL (good cholesterol), triglycerides, and waist measurement. If all these elements are maintained at a healthy level, then you are part of the small percentage who can boast of excellent metabolic health.

In light of this, you may question, how did we arrive at this state? If you’re blaming yourself over the comfort food you just had, be assured that this global health concern isn’t entirely our making. However, it’s also crucial to understand that we have the power to rectify this situation.

Farming in Accrington and all over the world has evolved significantly which plays a part in our current health predicament. It’s not unusual for individuals to feel guilty about their health, accusing themselves of negligence. Yet the situation is more nuanced, due to the substantial change in our dietary sources. The food products of today are quite different from those enjoyed by our forefathers, brought about by selective breeding practices as well as modern genetic alterations.

The farming methods employed now predominantly cater to our preference for sweeter, larger and more delightful produce. The repercussion is that while our fruits and vegetables appear excellent and taste divine, they are not as nourishing as the produce of yesteryears.

Furthermore, the governance of food companies over our food choices cannot be overlooked when discussing contemporary food issues. A majority of Americans have ultra-processed foods, which make up around 60% of their diet. These food products, that have been deliberately made delicious and easy-to-eat, keep us hooked, causing us to constantly crave more. Most times, these foods are deficient in nutrients and rich in refined sugars and unhealthy fats.

Our usual food sources are grocery stores, which predominantly feature familiar brands. Regrettably, just a handful of food companies hold control over a mammoth 3.3 trillion dollars market value. This gives them immense influence over our food choices, essentially making varied flavours of refined carbohydrates available to us. Profit-focused, these companies are well aware that food items high in sugar or harmful fats make their products more appealing and addictive, resulting in increased sales.

Ultimately, this brings us to our current health environment where modern diseases are rampant. The shift in our food consumption habits is leading to an unhealthy society, despite our remarkable advancements in healthcare. Besides our deteriorating metabolic health, there’s a significant impact on our life quality, as we’re not feeling as good as we potentially could.

Therefore, we need to take active measures to improve our metabolic health, which will mandate alterations in our attitude and routines for many of us in Accrington and globally. With this in mind, Unicity- The Health Intervention Company has been working for several decades to create scientifically backed solutions that aid people around the world to bolster their metabolic health.

Taking into account that a majority of diets fail, it’s clear that sheer determination isn’t sufficient to instigate the enduring changes we need, regardless of our strong desire to change. Instead, we need something that can assist in bridging the gap between our current state and where we want to be.

This is where the “Feel Great” approach comes in – a straightforward technique that combines two products with intermittent fasting that support your dieting objectives.

The human body has two primary energy sources which are carbohydrates and fats. We possess the innate capability to utilise both sources and efficiently switch between them, a quality known as metabolic flexibility. But when we overconsume carbohydrates or eat continuously throughout the day, our insulin and blood sugar levels remain high, preventing our body from accessing stored energy and limiting the amount of carbohydrate burnt off, restricting us from reverting to our natural fat-burning state.

By increasing the intervals between meals through intermittent fasting, our bodies can sustain low insulin levels for longer periods and utilise stored carbohydrates and fats for energy. Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of this practice in managing healthy glucose and cholesterol levels, endorsing heart health, and enhancing overall metabolic health.

However, the challenge lies in maintaining this routine long-term. This problem is addressed by the two products offered – Unimate, and Balance.

Unimate is a highly concentrated Yerba Mate drink that promotes health cognition, enhances endurance and stamina, helps achieve satiety and supports weight-management. It can be consumed anytime during fasting periods when you need an energy boost or aim to extend your fast by a few hours.

Balance, on the other hand, is a pre-meal fiber drink designed to minimise the excessive impacts carbohydrates and cholesterol can have on the body. It helps suppress your appetite between meals, aiding you in sticking with your overnight fast, and supports healthy, normal blood glucose levels.

This simple approach – a single practice with two products, requires no force of will and makes a huge impact on your metabolic health.

In our current reality, poor metabolic health is arguably one of the most significant threats to our society. However, it’s certainly not too late to improve things. Millions of people both in Accrington and worldwide are prioritising a healthier lifestyle and reaping the benefits of feeling better each day.

The Feel Great approach is commendable as it not only aids in making you feel good but eliminates the need for extreme dieting or rigorous exercise regimes. Visit to learn more about this method and how to get started. You can also check out Unicity’s research on Balance and Unimate on their science site.