Transforming Metabolic Health in Colne: An Innovative Approach

Many challenges impede our journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Among these are the hectic demands of our modern lives in Colne, the lack of motivation for regular exercise, and the habit of seeking medical attention only when illness strikes, ignoring preventive strategies.

One significant roadblock to our health and wellness, however, is the food we consume daily. Today, it’s alarming to learn that 93% of Americans don’t qualify as metabolically healthy, and this predicament isn’t isolated to the United States but has also significantly affected the population of Colne. Metabolic health markers comprise blood glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and waist size. Having healthy metrics in all five categories is a rarity today, but achieving it should be our shared goal.

The question arises, how did we reach this critical point? Some might blame themselves thinking about their unhealthy lunch, but remember, the global health scenario is more complex than just personal choices. And the good news is, measures can be taken to reverse the situation.

Fundamental changes have occurred in the agricultural industry over the past few decades, from selective breeding to modern genetic modifications. Farming practices today predominantly revolve around catering to our cravings for more appealing, tastier produce at the cost of their nutritional value. This shift is a significant factor considered to be contributing to the decline in our health.

Moreover, it’s impossible to ignore the influence of gigantic food corporations in shaping our diets. These companies, to some extent, control what we eat by regularly promoting ultra-processed food items. These products, constituting around 60% of the American diet, are deliberately designed to be appealing and convenient, thereby ensuring consumers’ dependency and repeated purchase. Unfortunately, these processed foods are often stripped of essential nutrients, replaced with refined sugars and unhealthy fats.

Given this backdrop, it’s not surprising that many modern diseases have surfaced due to the harmful changes in the food chain. Even with our advanced scientific healthcare, many people in Colne and worldwide find their general wellbeing declining due to poor metabolic health.

Transforming our situation requires a drastic change in our perspective and daily habits. Unicity, a Health Intervention Company, has recognized this need and dedicated its efforts towards developing science-based solutions to support metabolic health for people everywhere.

Studies repeatedly prove that sheer willpower doesn’t guarantee success in most diets. The ‘Feel Great’ approach is tailored to overcome this issue and guide you from your current state to your desired health outcomes. This strategy involves a combination of intermittent fasting and two products – Unimate and Balance – designed to support your journey.

Fasting intermittently enables your body to use its stored energy efficiently by burning carbohydrates and fats when insulin levels remain low for extended periods. These practices, backed by a string of researches, are known to help maintain healthy glucose and cholesterol levels, support heart health, and improve overall metabolic health.

However, maintaining intermittent fasting can be tricky, which is where Unimate and Balance prove essential. Unimate, a concentrated yerba mate drink, supports cognitive processes, endurance, stamina, appetite control, and weight management programs. With Unimate, extending your fasting period becomes manageable. Conversely, Balance, a pre-meal fiber drink, helps moderate the impact of excess carbohydrates and cholesterol while curbing your appetite and preventing overeating.

This straightforward approach requires no significant willpower, just consistent practice.

While poor metabolic health is a severe threat to modern society, including communities like Colne, many proactive individuals are already prioritizing their health and experiencing tremendous results. The ‘Feel Great approach’ is a recommended strategy that offers a sustainable health improvement without the daunting requirements of extreme dieting and strenuous exercise.

Visit for more information about the program, or access our Unicity science site to research more about Balance and Unimate. Let’s take control of our health together!