Urijah Faber’s Advocate for Wellness in Nelson: Nourishing Your Immune System with Key Vitamins and Minerals

‘Health is the utmost wealth’ – A Powerful Message by Urijah Faber

‘Health is the utmost wealth.’ This is the powerful message that Urijah Faber is keen on emphasising. It especially rings true in the city of Nelson, particularly during the seasonal flu and sickness peaks, where staying healthy becomes more critical than ever. Regular handwashing, healthy sleeping habits and vaccinations are key preventive measures. However, it is equally vital to actively maintain our immune health by incorporating the right vitamins and minerals into our diet.

Probiotics and Prebiotics

The microbiome refers to the vast array of bacteria in our bodies. An unbalanced microbiome could lead to weakened immunity, poor gut health and even infection. Probiotics act as tiny warriors, safeguarding the microbiome – these beneficial bacteria support other friendly bacteria while battling harmful ones. Probiotic-rich foods include yoghurt, kimchi and sauerkraut.

Prebiotics, on the other hand, provide nourishment for these probiotic warriors, facilitating the growth and strengthening of beneficial bacteria. Foods rich in prebiotics include artichokes, onions, greens and bananas.

Getting probiotics and prebiotics from food is advisable, but it might not always provide the required quantity or variety. In such cases, prebiotic and probiotic supplements can be helpful. Products like LiFiber, ProBionic, ProBionic Plus, Bios 7, Immunizen and Hawaiian Noni are great sources of prebiotics. Probiotic-rich supplements include ProBionic and ProBionic Plus.

Green Tea Catechins

‘Tea time’ takes on a new meaning with green tea. This beverage is not just an energy-enhancer, but also boosts immune health. Green tea catechins contain antioxidants, protecting the body against oxidative stress, caused by an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants. Additionally, they also augment the immune system. Research reveals lower incidences of influenza among regular green tea drinkers. For an additional health boost, opt for dry matcha leaves, with their epigallocatechin-3-gallate (ECGC) content—a powerful antioxidant—being three times higher than regular tea leaves. Products such as Unicity Matcha Energy, Bios Life E, Unicity Matcha Focus, XXtra Power Generation, Liver Essentials, LC Ascent and Core Health are ample in green tea catechins.


Serving as an essential constituent of the human body, zinc is the second most abundant mineral after iron. It plays a crucial role in the healthy growth and function of immune cells and is effective in curbing the duration of common colds. Other benefits include healing wounds, facilitating protein synthesis, promoting normal growth and possibly slowing age-related macular degeneration. However, with no specialised storage system for zinc in the body, regular consumption is necessary. Unicity offers various products rich in this essential mineral such as Core Health, Quadplex, Complete, Balance, Cardio Basics, Vision Essentials, Bone Mate Plus, Vegan Complete, Neigene Collagen, Hawaiian Noni and many more.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a commonly-known remedy against the common cold. Its importance to immune health is paramount as it aids cellular function. However, sourcing vitamin C purely from orange juice should be avoided, as different types are metabolised at different rates. Intake from varied sources allows for consistent circulating levels of vitamin C in the body. Products like Bio C, Vitamin B Complex with Vitamin C, Core Health, Bios Life C and Cellular Essentials Kit (Cardio-Basics and Bio-C) are rich vitamin C sources.


Echinacea, also referred to as the purple coneflower, a flowering plant from the daisy family, is a traditional remedy for ailments including colds, coughs, sore throats and snake bites, widely used by the Plains Indians. It’s renowned for its immune-boosting properties and is clinically proven to reduce the duration and frequency of illnesses and their severity. Also, similar to green tea, it’s rich in anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants combating oxidative stress. Instead of using these flowers for decorative purposes, use them to enrich your immune system, Echinacea can be found in SIG and Red Clover.

Boosting immune health is in our hands, and the ideal way to do so is by ensuring our diet is rich in essential vitamins and minerals!