Key Post-Fasting Foods to Boost Your Intermittent Fasting Success in Colne

The popularity of intermittent fasting in Colne, and indeed across the globe, can largely be attributed to its flexible nature and its array of health benefits. It allows people to choose their fasting window that best incorporates into their lifestyle, without necessarily imposing restrictions on the type of food to eat, hence becoming a favoured method for weight management and general wellbeing.

However, it’s important to bear in mind that the food eaten immediately after the fasting period can pose a different impact compared to consumption at other times of the day.

Understanding the significance of post-fasting meal choices
Following an ideally long fasting period such as 16 hours, it’s crucial to gently transition your body into digestion. Diving straight into a large, processed meal can overload your digestive system and could lead to prolonged abdominal discomfort.

5 foods to sidestep post-fasting
Firstly, it’s vital to understand the foods or drinks to avoid after fasting. This generally includes ultra-processed foods, foods high in saturated fats and other difficult-to-dissest foods.

Sugary delights and drinks. High-carb items could lead to a sudden spike in your blood sugar, particularly if you have not eaten for an extended period. A byproduct is a subsequent decline in energy levels and the onset of hunger pangs after several hours.

Red meat. Foods rich in saturated fats, such as beef and pork, demand more for digestion. A hefty steak might win over your tastebuds, but it could crank up your digestive mechanism and instigate digestive disturbances.

Raw veggies. Raw, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, although full of fibre and essential nutrients, can induce bloating and digestive issues if consumed immediately after breaking a fast.

Nuts and seeds. Although a great source of healthy fats, they also carry potential discomfort due to their complex digestion process. Similarly to raw veggies, a good few hours’ gap is advisable post-fasting before consuming them.

Legumes. These nutrition-dense foods – rich in proteins, complex carbs and fibre – might pose digestive difficulties for those with sensitive stomachs immediately post-fasting.

It’s enormously tempting to splurge on food after concluding a fast, especially when hunger pangs are at their peak. Consider this to be a reward for your fasting endeavours; however, it’s best to avert this mindset. Overeating post-fasting can induce digestive issues and undermine the benefits your body accrued during the fast.

7 food choices ideal after fasting
Individual responses to breaking a fast may vary, but easy-to-digest and hydrating foods are usually a smart choice.

Bone broth. As a protein-rich, easily digestible food, bone broth is fantastic. It also aids in hydration and replenishment of your electrolytes.

Fish. Generally, fish digests easily compared to most other animal-based proteins. Coupled with vital nutrients and omega-3s, it provides wholesome nourishment in the first meal post-fasting.

Whole fruit. Whole fruits, particularly those with skin, are rich in water content and digestible carbs, providing vital fiber to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Ideal choices include berries, melons, and bananas, owing to their high water, fiber, and vitamin content.

Avocados. Avocados are a rarity in being fiber and fat-rich foods that are wonderous post-fasting. Loaded with nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and several vitamins, they replenish the body’s nutritional needs after fasting.

Yogurt. Foods fermented like Greek yogurt are enriched with probiotics, an excellent source of bacteria that support gut health. Consuming probiotic-rich foods can be beneficial in the initial stages post-fasting.

Eggs. As they are complete sources of proteins and packed with essential vitamins and minerals, eggs serve as excellent post-fasting food choices.

Cooked green veggies. Though raw veggies can cause digestive issues immediately post-fasting, cooking them reduces the cellulose content, making them much easier to digest without depleting the vitamins and minerals.

Stay hydrated both during and outside your fasting periods, and consume fluids that maintain your focus, satiety and support mental stamina without breaking your fast, such as Unimate. A variety of other suitable drinks that can maintain your fasting are available.

Enhancing your intermittent fasting results
Proficiency in intermittent fasting may take time but understanding the right food choices post-fasting is key to successful outcomes. Visit for additional support in your intermittent fasting journey in Colne and beyond.